Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of improving the possibility of visitors taking desired actions (conversions) on a website page based on their behaviour on the site.
Online traffic is wildly fluctuating these days. It’s unlikely that visitors who don’t make it through your conversion funnel the first time will return and take the desired action. Your company has wasted a golden opportunity with this decision. Conversion rate optimization campaigns are the best way to increase your chances of getting more conversions.
An effective conversion rate optimization campaign not only saves you money, time, and effort, but it also enables you to discover previously unexplored growth strategies. Conversion rate optimization, on the other hand, aids you in better understanding your website’s usability while providing insights into customer behaviour and advice on how to improve your UX.
Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a never-ending cycle of learning and improving. Unfortunately, when discussing conversion rate optimization and its components, the “ongoing” aspect is frequently overlooked.
How To Improve Your Website Using Conversion Rate Optimization?
CRO is a multi-stage process that encompasses a wide range of activities. One of the keys to a successful conversion rate optimization campaign is the use of in-depth data analysis, numerous tests, and making necessary content adjustments based on the results. A marketer will come across six key elements that can be optimised throughout the CRO process.
Designing A Website’s Landing Page
A website’s usability and success are largely determined by the design of the landing page. The more attractive a website is, the more attention it will receive!
Let’s put this into perspective with the help of an example that most of us are likely to recognise. Assuming that the majority of customers who land on an Amazon product page do so with the express purpose of purchasing something, it is critical to recognise the role that design plays in influencing conversions. Each of the giant’s product pages has been strategically designed so that even the tiniest of details are clearly visible to its customers. The “Add to Cart” button (in a colour that’s prominently visible – Orange) next to the product information column, for example, allows customers to add products directly to their shopping carts when viewing product pages.
What are the benefits of this? Orange is a vibrant colour that stands out against the white background of the website, making it easy for visitors to identify and take the appropriate action right away.
In addition, the clever use of large images on the left side of the page and the effective use of white space to highlight the product’s features instil trust and quickly capture visitors’ attention.
Website Copy
Words can verbally hook your site visitors and convert them into potential leads while an aesthetically pleasing website can increase website traffic. Writing relevant and interesting content that emphasises the persuasiveness of the product can mean the difference between visitors staying on your website and taking the necessary actions and visitors leaving your site without taking any action. Sections of website copy include: headlines, and body copy.
- The Headline
Headlines are the first thing a visitor sees when they arrive at your landing page. It frequently serves as your company’s first point of contact with a customer. If they don’t like it, they won’t scroll down and look at the rest of your page. As a precaution, pay attention to the following points:
- Formatting: Usually concentrating on the type of font, font size, and colour to ensure that it attracts the attention of your visitors and can be easily read.
- Writing style: Do you know that email marketing can increase your company’s revenue by 30%?
Where can you look for the products you’re looking for? etc.
(a). To do this, divide your content into two sections. In terms of Internet marketing, what can we expect?
(b). Send an email to the person you’d like to hear from. Does content marketing hold up?
(c). Concentrating on the numbers, such as Email marketing can increase your conversions in ten different ways.
(d). In either case, the headline should be brief and to the point, describing the product or service exactly in a clear, concise manner.
- Content Of The Body
A website can’t function without well-written content. It must provide a straightforward answer to the question, “What’s next for me?” It must also be concise, to the point, and effectively portray your brand’s persona.
Take into account the following when writing an effective body of content:
In terms of layout, you should use the following guidelines:
(a). Formatting:
- Trim long passages of text to make it easier to read
- Use subheadings where necessary to help the reader scan the content quickly.
- Lists with bullet points or numbers should be used whenever possible.
- Font family, size, and colour scheme that adhere to the B-visual brand’s guidelines. The writing style that I prefer is:
(b). Writing Style:
- The appropriate use of tone for the intended audience (fun, professional, casual, etc.)
- stylistic elements such as metaphors, adjectives, and the like
- Focus on the end user and what they are looking for, and answer their queries.
- Improve overall usability and make it easier for readers to remember important points by including key phrases.
In addition to making a page look more appealing, a well-crafted headline and content that answers all of the visitor’s questions will help you gain customers.
Customers are asked to take the desired action by a call-to-action (CTA), which is what it sounds like. This could be anything from signing up for a newsletter to reserving a spot in a webinar, to making a purchase or using a service. More leads can be generated by a CTA that is both strong and crisp.
Is it, however, that simple? Consider some of the best CTA strategies in the industry and you’ll see that they all use basic psychology to define their CTAs.
By simply changing the primary text of its CTA button from “Book a Free Survey” to “Get a Free Quote,” ADT, a Tyco International company, increased its conversion rate by 60%.
Site Organisation And Navigation
The structure of your website must be geared toward creating an easy-to-navigate experience for your visitors. Your website’s structure can be boiled down to a simple graph showing how the various pages on your site are interconnected.
Even though each website is unique and has its own navigation, this example of a hierarchy is a common one.
Starting from the homepage and working your way down through all of the categories and subcategories until you find what you’re looking for is the standard navigation method. Users will have no trouble navigating your site if the entire process is fluid, as shown in the diagram above. However, if it’s disorganised, visitors will become disoriented and eventually leave your site.
To achieve this, make sure users can easily and quickly move between important sections of the website and find whatever they need to achieve their goals with the least number of clicks possible.
Forms are critical for most businesses, especially those with a sales funnel that includes them. These crucial customer touchpoints can be greatly improved by optimising them. There are a lot of theories out there about how to create an effective form for your website, but not all of them apply equally to everyone. If you’re trying to increase conversions, having a comprehensive form may be your best bet. If not, having a concise form may suffice. To get the best return on investment, it’s critical to strike a balance between the quality and quantity of leads you’re generating.
The following are four basic optimization tips to help your forms go from merely acceptable to truly exceptional:
- The fewer fields, the better it is.
- Forms that look good are more likely to lead to a positive user experience.
- Form filling is a breeze when you have an easy way to generate strong passwords.
- The use of Facebook or Google SSO for one-click form submissions can also help your conversion rate soar.
Speed Of Page
The time it takes for a page to load has a significant impact on the overall performance of your site. For this reason, it has a direct impact on the way a user feels about a site as well as how well it performs in a search engine result. 1.7 seconds is faster than 75% of the web, according to a Semrush blog. However, if it takes 0.8 seconds to load, it’s faster than nearly 94% of the rest of the internet.
Even a one-second delay in loading can lower your conversions by 7%. You could lose up to $7,000 per day for every second your site takes to load if your revenue is $100,000 per day.
The same one-second delay also means that you’re at risk of losing about 11% of your potential customers, as they’ll simply close your page or back out without even thinking.
Website optimization has developed from a niche endeavour to a mainstream one, with efforts ranging from evaluating the value of conversion rate optimization (CRO) efforts to arranging strategies for increasing site performance, running A/B tests, and leveraging the results to improve marketing. It not only gives businesses insight into how their customers think, use, and perceive their brand and its offerings, but it also exposes them to a vast amount of data that they can use to help shape their future business strategies. CRO isn’t just another tool for improving your brand’s online performance; it’s “the” tool for making you stand out!